Have you got your Director’s ID Yet???

News / 12.05.2020

COVID-19 pandemic has wrought havoc on a global scale, causing almost every country around the world to lockdown their population and close their borders. This has drastically affected international travel and movement across borders, which is causing unintended consequences for individuals that are not Australian...

News / 05.05.2020

As a part of the government’s coronavirus economic response package, a provision was inserted into the Corporations Act 2001 to provide temporary relief (safe habour) for directors of financially distressed business from potential personal liability for insolvent trading. This was designed to counter the pressure...

News / 26.04.2020

Prior to the disruptor that is the Coronavirus epidemic, the Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Financial Technology, Senator Jane Hume outlined some future government policy and potential changes to superannuation and SMSFs. Senator Hume said the government was still committed to enacting legislation...

News / 16.04.2020

With the majority of Australia now under lockdown to slow the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers are either encouraging their employees to work from home or have now instituted mandatory work from home policies. While working from home has its benefits, there may be extra expenses...