Have you got your Director’s ID Yet???

News / 10.04.2020

In this latest round of Coronavirus stimulus, the government has bought out the big guns in an effort to help people keep their jobs amidst the economic downturn. The “JobKeeper Payment” is a part of a $130bn wage subsidy scheme that is designed to provide...

News / 06.04.2020

With the majority of Australia now under lockdown to slow the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers are either encouraging their employees to work from home or have now instituted mandatory work from home policies. While working from home has its benefits, there may be extra expenses...

News / 03.04.2020

To further support businesses and workers ride out the COVID-19 pandemic and minimise the impact on the overall economy, the government has released a second round of stimulus in addition to the initial $17.6bn package. This $66.1bn package is not only aimed at businesses but...

News / 29.03.2020

ATO has recently announced that it will implement a series of administrative measures to assist taxpayers experiencing financial difficulty as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The measures that will apply is similar to those for taxpayers affected by the bushfires. However, one important...

News / 26.03.2020

Following on from the Federal government’s $17.6bn stimulus package unveiled last week for the coronavirus (COVID-19), some State governments have announced various concessions to support businesses and keep the local economy moving during this difficult and uncertain time. NSW - businesses with payrolls of up to...

News / 28.02.2020

Do you know who to turn to when you have a complaint about the way you’ve been treated by the Tax Office? Whether you’re an individual or business, the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO) should be your first port of call. The department...